Percentage Increase Calculator

Have you ever wondered how to calculate the percentage increase from one number to another? Whether you’re tracking the growth rate of your business or keeping an eye on stock price changes, understanding how to compute percentage increase is an essential skill. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about calculating percentage increases, accompanied by practical examples and a handy calculator.

Percentage Increase Calculator

Directions for Use

Input and Compute

To get started with calculating percentage increase, you’ll need two key pieces of information: the Starting Value and the Final Value. Simply enter these numbers into their respective fields and press “Calculate.” The calculator will instantly provide you with the percentage increase. You can also press “Enter” on your keyboard to trigger the calculation.

Accepted Input Types

The calculator accepts both whole and decimal numbers. These numbers can be either positive or negative. However, if you need to calculate the percentage increase for fractions, you must first convert these fractions into decimal numbers. Note that if you enter a fraction, the calculator will only consider the portion before the fraction-bar.

Calculating Percentage Increase

General Formula

The percentage increase can be calculated using a straightforward formula:

[ \text = \left( \frac{\text – \text}{|\text|} \right) \times 100 ]

Step-by-Step Breakdown

  1. Calculate the Increase:

Subtract the Starting Value from the Final Value.

[ \text = \text – \text ]

  1. Convert to Decimal:

Divide the increase by the absolute value of the Starting Value to get the decimal form of the increase.

[ \text = \frac{\text}{|\text|} ]

  1. Convert to Percentage:

Finally, multiply the decimal increase by 100 to get the percentage increase.

[ \text = \text \times 100 ]

Important Note

In step 1 of the algorithm and in the numerator of the percentage increase formula, you use the numbers as they are, including their signs. In step 2, as well as in the denominator of the percentage increase formula, you use the absolute value of the starting number. Thus, there is a possibility that the final Percentage Increase value might be negative. This occurs if the starting value is greater than the final value, indicating a percentage decrease instead.

See also  Simplifying Manual Conversion with the Fraction to Decimal Calculator

Practical Examples

Example 1: Calculating Percentage Increase from -10 to 68

Let’s calculate the percentage increase from -10 to 68:

  • Starting Value: -10
  • Final Value: 68

[ \text{|Starting value|} = |-10| = 10 ]

Following the steps above:

[ \text = 68 – (-10) = 78 ]

[ \text = \frac = 7.8 ]

[ \text = 7.8 \times 100 = 780% ]

Alternatively, using the formula:

[ \text = \left( \frac \right) \times 100 = 780% ]

Example 2: Calculating Growth Rate in Terms of Company’s Revenue

Imagine you’re starting a small company and need to produce a financial report to gauge how quickly your company is growing. Your company generated $1265.70 in revenue in its first month and $1879.30 in August. You set a goal to achieve a 30% revenue growth rate within six months of operation.

  • Starting Value: $1265.70
  • Final Value: $1879.30

[ \text = 1879.30 – 1265.70 = 613.60 ]

[ \text = \frac \approx 0.48 ]

[ \text = 0.48 \times 100 = 48% ]

So, within the first six months, your company achieved a 48% revenue growth rate, significantly exceeding your initial goal of 30%.

Example 3: Calculating Price Increase of Stock Shares

Suppose your friend John bought stock shares priced at $15.65 per share on June 1st. By July 1st, the price increased to $16.70 per share.

  • Starting Value: $15.65
  • Final Value: $16.70

[ \text = 16.70 – 15.65 = 1.05 ]

[ \text = \frac \approx 0.07 ]

[ \text = 0.07 \times 100 = 7% ]

Therefore, the share value percentage increase amounts to 7%.

Related Calculators

While the percentage increase calculator is invaluable, you might also find other calculators helpful for different types of percentage calculations:

Calculator Type Purpose
Percentage Calculator General percentage computations
Percentage Change Calculator Determine the percentage change from one value to another
Percentage Difference Calculator Calculate the absolute difference between two values as a percentage
Percentage Decrease Calculator Compute the percentage decrease from one number to another


Understanding how to calculate percentage increases is crucial in various aspects of life, from monitoring business growth to tracking investment performance. With the percentage increase formula and a handy calculator, you can quickly determine these values, making your financial assessments easier and more accurate.

See also  Ratio Calculator: Understanding the Golden Ratio

Whether you’re crunching numbers for a financial report or evaluating stock performance, mastering percentage increases will equip you with the skills you need to make informed decisions. Happy calculating!